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Apply For Funding

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Pump Priming Grant


A limited number of awards of up to £10,000 are available through The Royal College of Surgeons of England to newly appointed consultants, senior lecturers, SAS doctors and post-doctoral trainees in surgery who are working at hospitals and universities within the UK. The aim of the awards is to give assistance to such surgeons in the early stages of their independent research careers.


Pump Priming grants funded by BMRF must be in support of our charitable objectives, to advance patient care by supporting cutting edge research into burns, wound healing and soft tissue reconstruction.


Awards will be made competitively and may be used flexibly to support the award holder’s research programme.


Nature of awards


The award is up to £10,000 over two years, must be used exclusively to support the award holders’ own research, and may not be used for their own personal salaries. They may be used, among other things, for small items of equipment, consumables or technical assistance.


At the end of the year, the award holder will be required to write a short report on the use they have made of the award.




One-Year Research Fellowship


The Blond McIndoe Research Foundation (BMRF) is partnered with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Through their research programme and subject to confirmation, and receipt of sufficiently high-quality applications that make it through peer review, and viva process, of the RCS England one-year Research Fellowship process the BMRF fund fellowships to undertake clinical research that supports our charitable objectives.


The damage and disfigurement caused by serious burns, major soft tissue trauma and disease can be life changing. The BMRF is committed to advancing research into techniques, technologies that will repair, restore and regenerate tissue and reduce debilitating scarring, and its charitable objective is:


  •  To advance patient care by supporting cutting edge research into burns, wound healing and soft tissue reconstruction.

Blond McIndoe Research Foundation 

Registered charity number: 1106240

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