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Support Us

Blond McIndoe research can transform lives, but only with your support

Some people believe they wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the pioneering research. Others have been able to live more normal lives thanks to advances in the science of healing. And if our vision becomes a reality, many people could look forward to a scar-free future.


Working closely with the research team at The Royal College of Surgeons of England, scientists, patients and their families and carers, we are in the unique position of knowing exactly where we can make an impact. We want to ensure that new innovations are trialled, long-term research is sustained and our knowledge and learning is shared both locally and globally. But research can be expensive and, with NHS funding at breaking point, we rely entirely on the generous financial contributions of our supporters and funding partners. Whether it’s a one-off gift or a strategic partnership, your donation will be used to transform lives.


Please do get in touch for an informal chat about how you can help us to build a better future for people who have experienced life-changing and life-long damage or disfigurement.

Ways To Give

Make a donation

Blond McIndoe works closely with other funding organisations to ensure a coordinated approach to our research and make the most of your donations.


In partnership with grant-making trusts, both large and small, we identify and support specific areas of research into wound healing, and in the last five years alone we have raised over £3m.


We look forward to building on these relationships in association with our new partner, the Royal College of Surgeons, to make sure this essential area of research continues to be supported.




Free Will-writing service

We have partnered with to provide all our supporters with the opportunity to make their own fully comprehensive Will for free. You can make your personalised will online in three simple steps, from the comfort of your own home and with live support from their Will specialists. 


There is no obligation to leave a gift to us, but we do hope you do so to enable us to continue our important work funding ground-breaking research to advance the science of healing.


Start your journey here: 



Leave a Legacy

Sir Archibald McIndoe transformed many people’s lives in his lifetime, but he was also determined to continue to help those in need well into the future. You can help fulfil Sir Archibald’s aspirations by leaving a legacy to support cutting-edge wound-healing research.


If you are interested in leaving a legacy to Blond McIndoe, please get in touch. We can explain how best to approach this and also the tax benefits of charitable legacy giving.


Call 020 7869 6385 or email 




Fundraising Events

There are many ways you can support the Blond McIndoe Research Foundation through fundraising. Whether you want to do something active or a little slower, if you want to do it on your own or with a group, and however much you feel you can raise, there is an activity to suit you.


You could do a sponsored walk, run or cycle or, if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, maybe try skydiving, abseiling or a mountain trek. If that all sounds a little exhausting, perhaps a raffle, quiz night or coffee morning are more up your street. You could even get on the internet and set up an eBay auction. Whatever you do, your contribution will be much appreciated.



Corporate Partnerships

Businesses can have a high profile in society, putting them in a great position to inspire and make positive change.


Many are taking advantage of this and playing an increasing part in tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. But these charitable partnerships can also benefit employees, who will feel engaged and motivated to work for a company that is making such a difference.


If you and your business would like to contribute to Blond McIndoe’s ground-breaking research to advance the science of healing, please contact us on  Call 020 7869 6385 or email for more information.



Our Stories


Amanda Redman

Why I support Blond McIndoe


Sir Ranulph Fiennes

Why I support Blond McIndoe

chris' story.jpg



Why I support Blond McIndoe

Blond McIndoe Research Foundation 

Registered charity number: 1106240

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